Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
The Men of Valor (MOV) men's ministry at Kingdom Faith Fellowship Church challenges men from all walks of life to reach their full potential in Jesus. Whether it be through a men’s breakfast, prayer group, basketball game or just a few brothers talking over a good cup of coffee, KFFC is dedicated to instilling within men the qualities that transform them into the godly men needed today in the home, community, church and wherever the call of God may take them around the world. We are committed to equipping and training men to fulfill their biblical mandate to prophet, priest, and king. We encourage all our brothers to respond to the call of God and to do their part to fulfill the mission and vision of Kingdom Faith Fellowship Church.
Brothers who are a part of Men of Valor can expect the fellowship and support of brothers who believe in and underscore the importance of faith, family and finance. We engage in activities that minister to the total man. Examples include:
- Prayer
- Fasting
- Bible study
- Men's breakfast
- Men's retreat
- Men's outings
- Church-sponsored events
Whether a recreational, spiritual or educational event, the men of valor are challenged to go from the ordinary to the extraordinary; to ultimately become like Christ.